Friday, October 24, 2008

First Meeting minutes (Oct 1st)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers
-Galatians 6:9-10

Attendance: 윤진원, 오한나, 정용주, 황지혜, 김태양, 임진환, 김민지, 박신, 강윤정, 김남희

Welcome, prayer-ElishaIntroduction of First steps organization and their work-Hannah 1.Deciding when and where of the concert
언제: 1월 24일 토요일 오픈도어 @6, 콘서트 시작 @7
어디서: KCM Norm Theater (황지혜/KCM availability 체크 해보기)

2.Seed money-fundraising ideas
For what: Printing, 자질구질한 살림살이
How: something of small scale- ex.Krispy Kream
(Fundraising Coordinators: Elisha, Brian, Hannah, Shin)

3.Constitute as AMS club now? or wait until next year??
No need to become a club now.

4.Executive Position sign ups:

SFU representative-강윤정
Communications (newspaper, PR, promotion)-용주, 남희
Volunteer coordinators-신, 지혜
Community engagement (sponsorship, partnership, networking)-윤진원
Graphic Designs (making programs, posters, possible webpage?)-Not Urgent
Treasurer- N/A
Fundrasier coordinators: 윤진원, 정용주, 오한나, 박신
KCM coordinator: 지혜
Events Coordinator: N/A
5. things to be done for next meeting
1. search musical talents and get their committment,
2. Norm Theater booking
3. get the words out, talk to your church people about the venues sponsorship, performances.

6. Setting regular meeting time biweekly
Next meeting October 14th Tuesday at door opens @5:00pm, meeting at 5:30

7. email list-RSVP important

8. Open planning team, so please feel free to bring anyone who's interested in this project to our next meeting! ;)

Thanks for coming everybody! ;)

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