Friday, October 24, 2008

2nd meeting minutes (Oct 14th)

안녕하세요~ 오한나에요. 화요일날 다시 봬서 너무나 좋았어요~ 이번주도 건강하고 행복하게 보내시길 바래요. 감기 조심하시고요 다음 미팅에 봬요!

NEXT MEETING : Oct 28th 5:30 @ 2250 Webrook Mall #201
First Steps 2nd Meeting Minutes


Cinnemon Bun Sale : Oct 28 10- 2pm -

Keep spreading the words of FS and our concert- Excecutive positions are still open!! Please volunteer and sign up for a position !

Summary of meeting Oct 14, 2008 5:30 pm

1) People’s responses to FS- Positive response in general. - 계속 친구들이랑 가족들이랑 교회사람들한테 First Step 에 대하여 말해주시고 우리 콘서트를 홍보해 주세요.-

2) Venue booking- KCM group 이 콘서트를 위하여서 SUB Norm Theatre를 booking 하려고 합니다- 하지만 Norm Theatre가 안되면 다른 장소도 생각 중 입니다.

3) Fundraising ideas- Cinnemon Bun Sale (weekly on Tuesday/Thursday)- 1st Bun Sale : Tuesday October 28th 10am-2pm.- Possible Places: SUB, Wood Library, Scarf, Angus, David Lam- But will try to book a place in SUB- If anyone you know is interested in helping out selling buns on the day of, please let us know.- Along with the buns, we will have posters, book marks or pamphlets.

4) Sponsorship - Elisha (진원) will write the Letter of Intent for sponsors in English and Korean.- We would like to have sponsorship so that we would be able to provide some sort of honorarium for volunteers, performers, etc- Everyone needs to make a list of businesses or people they want to ask for sponsorship by upcoming Tuesday (Oct 21)- When you want to contact the sponsors, do it first through email and then call or meeting them in person. -

5) Concert contentFOCUS: Promoting Korean culture, music, dance, etc. Traditional as well as contemporary. Programme Intro- English and Korean Brief slideshow of Korean history Musical concertFS-presentation

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